How to Avoid Foot Blisters and Other Foot Pains When Hiking

This summer brought us some beautiful hiking weather in New England and with this hiking a couple of foot injury incidences.  Some of my patients who were in the White Mountains didn’t properly prepare themselves for longer hikes and had some painful foot...

Summer Sandals and Ugly Toenails

If you are planning to spend any time in your summer sandals at Cape Cod, you will want to think about toenail fungus treatment. Don’t let ugly toenails spoil your fun at the beach because you’re too embarrassed to let them be free. Fungal toenails occur when your...

Stay Free of Fungal Infection on Weekend Getaways

With school back in session you may already be planning your next family getaway. However, one guest you don’t want tagging along is foot fungus. Sharing space with other people can often result in a fungal infection—complete with crumbling toenails, but taking a few...

What to Expect From an Ingrown Toenail Procedure

April is National Keep America Beautiful month. Do you part by picking up trash or planting a tree! It’s important to take care of the things that are important to us, from the country we live in to the feet we walk on every day. An ingrown toenail can turn your toes...

Getting Your Feet Ready for Holiday Parties

It’s that time of year again. The time when the air gets a little colder, the holiday lights go up, and the invitations to the parties start rolling in! It’s always fun to get your nails done before a big holiday party, but just make sure you practice pedicure safety...

Black Toenails: When You Need a Podiatrist

if skiing is one of your favorite winter pastimes, make sure you don’t suffer from “skiers’ toe”. This is just another way to say subungual hematoma, or black toenail. When your toe hits the inside of your ski boot too frequently, it may cause blood to pool underneath...