How Cold Weather Affects Your Running

Although this winter has had its ups and downs (one minute there’s a blizzard, the next it’s in the 50s!), it’s still important to know about the effects that cold weather may have on your running. Plenty of good marathons are coming up, and you don’t want to do...

Warming Up Before a Run

Any marathoner worth their salt knows the importance of warming up properly before a big race. There is a right way to warm up and a wrong way, and we are going to show you how to get your body ready to engage in long-distance running so that you avoid injuries....

Preparing Your Feet for Spring Training

The end of winter and the beginning of spring is always marked by one thing: spring training. Spring sports—such as baseball—mark the change of seasons by getting their teams to training camps to begin preparing for the coming season. Whether you’re on a professional...

Beat Arch Pain with Orthotics for Sports Shoes

Sunday August 3rd is the Lowell YMCA Triathlon. Athletes know the importance of wearing the right sports shoes to avoid things like arch pain and heel pain. Sometimes we need to utilize orthotics in order for our feet to stay safe, healthy, and comfortable. There are...

Proper Fitting Shoes Keep Your Feet Feeling Fresh

The winter months are in full swing, and it’s even more important now than ever to wear proper fitting shoes. If you wear boots that are too narrow, or too tight, you put yourself at a greater risk of developing such foot conditions as bunions, hammertoe, or ingrown...

Why You Should Never Wear Shoes Indoors

If your kids play school sports you might tell them to take their shoes off when they come inside so they don’t track mud or dirt all over your clean floors. However, there are many reasons why you should avoid wearing your shoes indoors, and they extend far beyond...

Walk Like This – Custom Orthotics and Your Gait

For a vast majority of adults, we have been walking for our entire lives. This means we likely have forgotten how much effort went into learning how perform this basic function that seems so simple. We might take it for granted, but walking requires coordination...

Tips on Picking the Perfect Running Shoes

When it comes to picking the perfect running shoes you need to consider what type of running you will be doing—trail running with the Friends of North Andover or maybe you’re more of a track runner—and what your foot type is. These two factors, among others, will...

How to Tell When You Need New or Refurbished Orthotics

Custom orthotics are among the best and most versatile tools we have at our disposal to treat the fundamental causes of foot pain. Fortunately, they tend to be quite durable, allowing you to enjoy the extra support and cushioning on a daily basis. While a good pair of...

Tips for Preventing Falls in Winter Weather

Winter can be a fun and beautiful season, with snow transforming familiar landscapes into something straight out of a postcard. Along with the cold and the pretty snow, however, comes a sharply increased risk for falling and getting hurt, particularly if you are...

What Does a Podiatrist Treat?

Everywhere you turn around, there seems to be new advice or another way of taking care of pain or a certain health concern. Holistic health shops pop up with “natural remedies” for just about everything under the sun—some of which might help, while others do not. It...

Get the Most from Your First Podiatry Visit

Trying something new for the first time can be both exciting and intimidating. Some things are more exciting than others, like riding your first roller coaster, attending your first concert, or visiting a new country. Other things tend to make people more nervous than...

How to Run Without Hurting Your Feet

Running is a passion shared by millions, and most of them, including some of the planet’s top athletes, still have trouble preventing pain and injury. Plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, shin splints, and toenails that become ingrown, turn black, or fall off—all...